Monday, March 8, 2010

Unit 5

If there was one thing about your academic challenges, what would it be?
My biggest academic challenge is that I wait until the last minute to get things done. I usually do my first post on Saturday, and I wait to respond to classmates until Monday and Tuesday. When I have project due I am usually working on them on Tuesday mostly just to touch them up, but sometimes I wait until Tuesday to do the whole thing. Even when I have final projects due at the end of the term I usually wait until the last week to get most of the project done. So I really need to start and get things done earlier.


  1. Yes, I do that sometimes too. I have some many things to do and I just think well I have until 11:59 Tuesday I can get it done by then. I have learned though if I start on something I do everything then. So if i start Thursday I could had my homework, reading, and initial post done by Friday or on Friday. That gives me my weekend, and all I have to do now is post to classmates. This might be easier for me because I don't work.

  2. I so agree! This time though I have to do it early, for I am going on vacation during unit 8-9. I don't want to have to come back from vacation and do a paper yuck!
