Monday, March 15, 2010

Unit 6

Share what you have personally been dealing with the six weeks.
The past six weeks have been uneventfully for me, just working and trying to get all my school work done. This week the school work has been a little tougher then usually. I have two projects due this week and not having any look writing for either one of them. I have a bad case of writers block for my paper for comp II. When ever I read the research for my essay I get some ideas until I go to write them down they disappear I total forget what I was going to write. This is very frustration to me! Well back to work see you all at seminar in a couple of days.


  1. Try some freewriting or outlining. Prof J

  2. I agree with Prof Z. When I get stressed or frustrated, I just sit down with a pen and paper or Microsoft Word, and just free write. It may not mean anything, just words out of my head, or may be blah blah, but it really gets me in the mood for writing.

  3. That is why that I have the pencel and paper ready. So when I get that I try to write it before it go goes poof and it aint there any more. It seams to happen a lot to me to.
